Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I Built My Own Website

And it turned out pretty good, in my opinion (but I am really biased, lol).

Using Wix.com and a lot of tricks I learned in past marketing jobs, it turned out to be much easier than I first envisioned. Yes it helps to be computer literate for sure (more than 30 years using various forms of personal computers) and one of my past jobs exposed me to a graphic’s house that is no longer in business, largely due to the fact that you can do so much on a good PC yourself.

One of the tricks I use in graphic design involves the use of my Nikon Coolpix camera and my daily walk throughout the neighbourhood. I take pictures of things that interest me that Mother Nature presents me with on the casual journey and then I go nuts in my copy of Adobe Photoshop that came with my HP computer. It is hard to tell sometimes what the original photo was as shown below with the original shot of cracked asphalt and then the morphed version which I use in some way on each page to tie it all together and add some graphic interest to the pages.

Yes the original became this

Some of the pictures and graphics have mouse overs to the pages within this blog and that is my way of entertaining folks with a sort of “where’s waldo” game to add some more interest. The website is a serious attempt at getting into Internet marketing design and other versions of marketing (such as writing quality copy) as a part-time/full-time endeavour for me.

I even have the unashamed audacity of asking folks to donate (same as here in my blog now) to my quest to help pay for mouse batteries and the start-up costs. Well, you do go out and pay for entertainment and my thoughts are that my site is more entertaining and informative than most (but I am really biased, lol).

No doubt, the site will get revisions and additions and that is the beauty of Internet marketing and publishing. It is not etched in stone like a book, DVD or other hard copy media. It is dynamic and only your imagination creates limitations on what you do.

If you want a website built or need some quality copy for any business need, please feel free to contact me on contact page on the website (keeping it simple really does work).

If you forgot the name, let me be so bold as to remind you here—martelsmarketing.com which is the URL for the full name martels marketing stuff. 

(My last name is Martel, if you haven’t guessed. Yes, I do like to keep it simple).

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